Friday, December 5, 2008
So there was a big uproar when Jennifer Aniston's interview with Vogue came out this month. Her comments about Angelina Jolie were splashed on the cover, and the media went crazy with.
Jen just did a interview with Entertainment Weekly, saying that Vogue was uncool to make it so tabloidy when it was just a throwaway comment.
Why won't this triangle die? It's been 3 years. Why is the public still obsessed with it. Now, I admit in the beginning, I was entrenched. I have always loved Jennifer Anniston since Friends, liked her and Brad together, and never thought much about Angelina except she had some creepy tendencies.
Yes he cheated, no we don't know the inner workings of their marriage. It was wrong, in my opinion, to either sleep with or carry on an emotional affair with a married man.
But Jen has moved on, let's just let her. Stop picking apart her every relationship, and putting up cliche headlines like she is afraid to die alone. She doesn't seem at all like some pathetic woman.
Now, I don't have any problems with Brangelina. They seem to be very loving parents with their brood, and they do good humanitarian work. Some of their fans are pretty rabid on the internet, even being called Brangeloons (Trademarked by Michael K of the amazing blog, It just bothers me a little how overexposed they are, but that is very much the media's fault for their fixation.
I also don't like how Perez has to show such blatant favoritism to Brangelina, calling her Saint Angelina, and Jen Manniston. It's rude. It also is very hypocritical since he blasts Sienna Miller for being a homewrecker, along with Evan Rachel Wood, and about every other celebrity that has ever cheated.
So Jen's happy, Brangelina are happy. Jen and Ange don't ever need to be friends. Let's move on to discussing other celeb gossip, lord knows there are plenty of trainwrecks out there to focus on (I'm looking at you Amy Winehouse!)
Spoiler Alert
So my Grey's Anatomy love might be coming back a little. I hate that this show brings me such ire and yo-yo of emotions.
Anyways, I found out what's wrong with Izzie. Don't continue reading if you don't want to know.
So Michael Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly, spoiled that Denny is a series of aneurysms, ones that apparently give her euphoric sexual feelings
Now my problem with this is: Do aneurysms occur like 24/7? I mean can't just one kill you? Because Izzie is now seeing Denny all the time.
Last night's episode, I admit, was good. I really liked that Cristina could make the decision, and all the canidates got to plead their case. I also loved that Cristina picked Alex, he didn't play on her emotions, because well they don't like each other that much. He was factual and said how he was going to do the procedure. So Cristina took emotions out of her decision and picked the person who gave the best spiel.
And I can't even describe how much I loved Alex this week! He is so adorable and sweet, and he loves Izzie so much. I thought his I love you was amazing, and all that a girl could ask for. Stupid Denny for his side comments- She's his girlfriend, not you tumor boy!
I liked that they focused a little on Alex and Meredith's friendship, I love their kindred spirits bond of being from bad childhoods. And when Izzie showed up, I did have a little hope for her.
I do hope that this rift between Cristina and Meredith ends soon, even though Cristina was right not to pick her. I'm also loving Cristina and Army doc, so hot!
Little Grey and McSteamy is a tricky one. She looks so young and it's a strange pairing. I was liking her with George, and their quirkiness together. McSteamy does need a nice girl to even him out, so maybe it could work. I did love how he tried his best to resist her.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
#2 Reasons to love HIMYM
Ok, I just found out that following last week's episode, "Not a Father's Day," there is actually a website dedicated to the celebration of not being a father founded by playboy character Barney (Neil Patrick Harris).
Last year to coincide with an story about a slap bet, there was a countdown until the slap bet expired.
People need to just watch and enjoy this brilliance, esp because of Neil Patrick Harris.
His best Barney moments:
Not to pimp something I love, but the best part of the show, Barney actually falling for Robin:
I know the show didn't intend to stumble on the Barney/Robin goldmine, but it will be exciting to see in future seasons how they capatalize on the romance.
Last year to coincide with an story about a slap bet, there was a countdown until the slap bet expired.
People need to just watch and enjoy this brilliance, esp because of Neil Patrick Harris.
His best Barney moments:
Not to pimp something I love, but the best part of the show, Barney actually falling for Robin:
I know the show didn't intend to stumble on the Barney/Robin goldmine, but it will be exciting to see in future seasons how they capatalize on the romance.
Guilty Pleasure Movies
Since the flu season is upon us, mono is upon me, and we are in store for some serious rainy and snowy days, this is the perfect time to snuggle up with some guilty pleasures. Whether its a book or movies or TV shows, we all have our little addictions that keep up staying inside on these frigid days.
My book guilty pleasures: It doesn't get more guilty than the Twilight series. With the movie coming out friday, I'm brushing up this week with the original. I came upon these book over the summer before the final installment was released and read all four in a week and a half. They are so cheesy, the writing can be laughable at times, but it is like my literary crack. What makes the experience even better is that it is a cultural phenomenon and I have atleast six people I can name off the top of my head who are just as obsessed as me to talk about it with, including my mother, who I got into the books despite her hating sci-fi genres. This is also a women who devours every Danielle Steel book ever made so I knew it was right up her alley.
Other literary guilty pleasures: Valley of the Dolls, one of my favorite books that I will defend against anyone who only knows about the cheestastic flick. I also love celeb autobiographies. Sure they are slanted, and who knows if we are getting the real story, but I love them. Tori Spelling's book rocked my world because of my 90210 obsession. I really want to read Maureen McCormic's book cause I just really want to know about Marcia Brady being a cokehead. And on my list of books to read asap is comedian Chelsea Handler's best selling book, Are you there vodka? It's me Chelsea. With a title like that, how could a pop culture addict stay away?
When it comes to flicks, I like classic cheesy movies. Now I'm not talking about flicks like Ghost or Steel Magnolias or Batman or Clueless. I've seen these on lists before, and I wear these movies as a badge of honor of films I could watch again and again.
For me, I'm thinking things I'm ashamed to say I like. Think Grease 2. I still know all the words to the songs like Cool Rider and Reproduction. Or Wayne's World. Or Tommy Boy. Others like Clue, Naked Gun, Hot Shots Part Deux, and most Police Academy Movies.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Where have all the sitcoms gone?
It's crazy for me to think that ten years ago Seinfeld ended its run as arguably the best sitcom ever. At the time, there was still Friends, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, and a slew of other comedies waiting to take the best comedy title. There was also a unique show called Ally McBeal, an hour dramedy that competed in the comedy category in awards shows, that didn't have a laugh track, used dramatic elements but also zany and inventive comedic stunts. It was something new that producers latched onto.
The only widely successful sitcom I can think of that has happened in the years since is Will and Grace. CBS is the only network that still even produces sitcoms. They have been lucky to find solid ratings with Two and a Half Men, but there is no real breakout sitcoms anymore.
When I think of the funniest shows around in the past few years my mind goes to Arrested Development, 30 Rock, The Office, Weeds, even Desperate Housewives.
Is it a change in our generation, the way we view comedy and what we find realistic? Are things like a laugh track and blatant sets too dated for our attention? Or is it just that sitcoms are tired and boring, stale, generic?
I plead my case for what I feel is the last great sitcom still on TV: How I Met Your Mother. It has a very Friends like quality to it, is witty and sharp, and a sitcom. The show doesn't get the buzz or ratings it deserves despite starring Jason Segal of this years hit, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It also got attention this year for having Britney Spears guest star as a ditzy assistant. The cast and couples have great chemistry, the stories tie in with solid continuity, and it is actually funny.
I implore you readers to give this little show a chance.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Things you learn from Daytime TV
While I have been sick with mono this past week, I was forced to pretty much do nothing but watch TV. Besides my soaps, I found myself at a loss for what to watch to keep me entertained. I also learned some interesting things from channel surfing:
There is this amazing invention called the Ped Egg. I found myself not only intrigued by this invention but wanting to try it.
Tyra Bank's show never fails to amaze me. On Monday's episode, she had people from the website, where people in committed relationships or marriages go online to find affairs, their spouses none the wiser.
All My Children has a healthy lesbian relationship where the two characters share a daughter, are getting engaged, and are kissing and being lovey dovey. It is amazing the progression in the past few years since the first same sex kiss in 2004.
Jerry Springer's ex bodygaurd who would bust up the fights now has his own talk show, The Steve Wilkos Show. Maybe there is hope for Sarah Palin's talk show yet.
The West Wing really was one of the best shows that ever was on television. Even in its later seasons without show runner Aaron Sorkin, it was still better than 90% of whatever else is on now. Bravo showed the last season with the Presidential election with Santos, who seems very Obama like, it led me to draw some interesting comparisons.
Fox News anchors seem to be grasping at things to pre-emptively complain about Obama's future mistakes.
There is this amazing invention called the Ped Egg. I found myself not only intrigued by this invention but wanting to try it.
Tyra Bank's show never fails to amaze me. On Monday's episode, she had people from the website, where people in committed relationships or marriages go online to find affairs, their spouses none the wiser.
All My Children has a healthy lesbian relationship where the two characters share a daughter, are getting engaged, and are kissing and being lovey dovey. It is amazing the progression in the past few years since the first same sex kiss in 2004.
Jerry Springer's ex bodygaurd who would bust up the fights now has his own talk show, The Steve Wilkos Show. Maybe there is hope for Sarah Palin's talk show yet.
The West Wing really was one of the best shows that ever was on television. Even in its later seasons without show runner Aaron Sorkin, it was still better than 90% of whatever else is on now. Bravo showed the last season with the Presidential election with Santos, who seems very Obama like, it led me to draw some interesting comparisons.
Fox News anchors seem to be grasping at things to pre-emptively complain about Obama's future mistakes.
Jumping the Shark
There comes a time on every good show where they have that moment. The moment where fans and critics alike cringe, and think, yikes what has happened to this show? My moment came this week with Grey's Anatomy.
I have put up with this show through a lot. Through the behind the scenes drama, the recent abrupt firing of Brooke Smith after the mishandled lesbian romance of Callie and Erica, the stupid Meredith dies by drowning and comes back to life, the horrible mistake known as Gizzie. Yet, I remained watching. Finally, I was starting to love Grey's again. They were actually going forward with the romance of Meredith and Derek, having both characters actually grow and adapt into an adult relationship. Cristina was ready to move on from Burke to hot army doc, Lexie was finally coming into her own character and out of big sis's shadow, and the show was portraying Alex's deep seeded issues as he tried to grow up and jump head first with a girl he's been in love with since the beginning of the show.
Which brings me to Izzie Stevens. This character has caused me great frustration for the past couple years. I don't know if the producers are doing this storyline to give Katherine Heigl some good material for a second Emmy, or if it is punishment, or an exit storyline if she is in fact leaving come spring. Whatever the reason, viewers are now being tortured with the return of Denny. Now, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is charming, and I liked the character enough the first time around. But he died, over two seasons ago! We had Izzie mourn, move on to George, and now to Alex. The fans seem to be really behind this Alex/Izzie pairing, but let's insert Denny into it again, stalling it where Alex is now competing for her affection with a dead guy. The guy just put his old girlfriend in a mental hospital, he hasn't dealt with enough crazy?
This other worldly romance might work if this show wasn't about science and supposed to be grounded in reality. If I wanted this kind of love story, I can pop in Ghost. When Denny first started appearing, I thought well maybe this is finally closure. Yet he keeps appearing even after there were two scenes that would have been perfect end notes on the character. But no, we have to go all "Izzie, touch me." And, she can?! Oh, and they kiss, and in the previews, they are having sex. I don't understand any way the show is going to explain this other than Izzie has a brain tumor which is making her "see" Denny (which General Hospital did earlier this year) or she is headed for a major psychological collapse. One of those things better happen, or I will quit this show.
Jumping the shark doesn't mean the end of a show. Many go on for more seasons to good ratings even after the moment happens. Some shows like Lost, are good enough that they can come back from these moments and bounce back into creative strides, while most aren't able to ever recover. Grey's is still a ratings success and will be around for at least a few more years, but its credibility as a top drama still is up in the air.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Essential Halloween movies
Since last night was Halloween, hopefully everyone got candy, dressed up, and good and drunk. I spent the day lying in bed watching my movies before getting ready to dress up as Cinderella. When I came home I finished my movie watching and decided to list some of what I think are the best scary movies to watch on Halloween.
1) Halloween- It is the quintessential Halloween movie since it is one of the most popular slasher flicks that hello! takes place on the holiday. It's a classic for a reason-has all the horror movie staples: topless women, people who have sex dying, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a crazy killer with no real rhyme or reason to his killings. The film still holds up with scaring you and tension, mostly due to the score. The sequels all sucked, with possible exception being H20, for tying up loose ends and bring Jamie Lee Curtis back.
2) The Exorcist- Almost all adults over thirty and people with good cinematic tastes will tell you this is the best horror movie ever made. Watching it now, there are still parts, especially in the climax, that freak me out. Linda Blair turns in a expectational creepy performance with a couple scenes still burned in my mind. I never saw any of the sequels, but this should have always been a stand alone flick.
3) Scream- This is my all time favorite scary movie. I love the series, it ended perfectly with a trilogy where the story came together. Sidney Prescott is the best horror movie heroine since Laurie Strode, and I'd say she is better because she fought back and outsmarted the killer. The series never really lost it's ground, but nothing beats the first one. That opening scene with Drew Barrymore and the conversation is such a scary scene in that it is sort of realistic. I still get chills when Drew is trying to get out of the house and sees the killer running in the hallway. Scream actually gave us a killer with motive, ones who were human and would die when they were shot. The series also started off the new slasher pics of the late 90's. It also helped Dimension establish themselves as promising film company.
4) Hocus Pocus- Who said Halloween movies have to be scary? You can have a nice family movie about witches and teens and a young Thora Birch. The movie has some adult humor in it for the parentals, mainly provided by our three witches: Bette Midler as the ringleader, a pre-Carrie Bradshaw, Sarah Jessica Parker, and comic relief Kathy Najimy. Maybe I love it because I remember seeing it in theaters as a child, and it holds up because of nostalgia.
5) A Nightmare on Elm Street- Freddy Krueger is my favorite of the 80's slasher series character. Jason just walks around with a hockey mask. Michael Meyers just walks fast and is human yet unkillable. Never saw Pinhead or Candyman. Freddy gets to talk, uses humor when he's on his way to kill people. He has personality, which is why most Freddy fans root for him in the series. Watching this one all the years later, it's not that scary, but I remember how scared I was as a kid especially because of the premise that he would get you in your dreams. Pretty ingenious. The scene where an sleep deprived Nancy dozes off in the tub and wakes up with a tub of blood, still gives me a chill. Plus, it's the beginning of Johnny Depp's career!
6) Carrie- I think every high schooler needs to watch this movie. Maybe if we could all understand and empathize with the pain of our tortured heroine Carrie, we could all be a little more accepting of the outcasts in our schools. Or at least be warned that karma will get you and the outcast may end up exacting her revenge at the prom after you dump pigs blood on her. I think besides the horror of Carrie when she turns or her awfully creepy mother (played to perfection by Piper Laurie), this movie brings the heebie geebies. Plus there is a young John Travolta and a big haired Amy Irving. It also has complexity to the terror Carrie exacts, because she was really just a victim of her environment and powers beyond her control. The words "They are all gonna laugh at you!" have to hurt anyone who ever felt left out growing up.
7) Friday the 13th- What produces probably the most sequels for any horror movie, this series did get worse and worse, sillier and pitiful as they went on. The first one still holds some chills, as is the pattern with these. Jason doesn't even appear in this one but no matter, we get his creepy mom Mrs. Voohres, who even kills a young Kevin Bacon by slitting his throat from under the bed.
8) Saw- I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of these movies. The first one was pretty inventive. You got the kind of killer who had a reason for his crimes, more than just revenge. It was a sadistic and twisted reasoning, but the killer is trying to do something good. The series has captured the attention of my generation and started off the whole torture porn genre, which seems to finally be on the way out. The Saw films do benefit that they actually have a fulfilled storyline that continues through each movie, and hopefully wraps itself up before we get to a tenth film.
9) The Shining- Let me preface by saying I love Jack Nicholson. Love him, adore him, think he is one of the most charismatic actors ever. Everyone I know thinks of Jack as a good actor, but creepy. This movie is a huge reason why. I can refute it, but whenever I actually watch this, I have to agree. He still has his sexy charm, but between him chasing his family, the naked old woman, and the redrum twins, this is a freaky flick.
10) It- Nothing is scarier than a clown. Well expect for Chucky, but that is a childhood fear. The opening scene with Pennywise still freaks me out. The rest of the movie does not hold up once you are over ten years old. However, it is pretty funny to watch and laugh at, especially at the end when the clown turns into a big bug. I don't think Stephen King wanted it to look as laughable as it turned out.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Can a rape victim fall in love with her attacker-Even on a Soap?
Backstory to this post: When I grew up, I watched soaps, mostly ABC soaps. Later on I got into Days of Our Lives and later some CBS ones. But the ABC Soaps are my bread and butter. I was about three when I started watching them with my dad who would always fall asleep leaving me to be enamored with stories that were way over my head.
One Life to Live , one of my soaps, did a groundbreaking and Emmy winning story about gang rape back in 1993. The story revolved around a young college student being raped by three frat brothers. The show portrayed a pretty graphic scene by network and daytime standards, followed the aftermath of the rape and its effect on the victim Marty, and her accusers, most pivotal the sadistic Todd. He tormented her and stalked her following the rape. Todd eventually became a fan favorite and was redeemed slowly over the years. All the time he and Marty ever interacted, Todd would treat her with a distant remorse while Marty always had the underlying disgust and contempt.
Now the characters are back in each other's orbit, Marty has lost her memory, and Todd is taking care of her, not telling of her life or the rape, and they are falling in love. The show is seriously selling this as a love story. Is a rapist and victim love story ever a good idea, even in daytime TV?
Looking back in history, soaps most famous couple started with rape. Luke and Laura, the 80's pop culture icons who put soaps on the map had a rocky start when Luke raped Laura at the campus disco. What was later called a "seduction" and piled under the rug in the 80's, was revisited in the 90's with amazing writing and acting by General Hospital. It was a story linking generations together as Luke and Laura's son was dealing with his best friend's rape, and repulsed to discover that was part of his parent's history, leading to a confrontation and first real conversation about the rape between daytime's supercouple.
So it might have worked for Luke and Laura, but that was the 80's, rape wasn't as publicized. That rape wasn't even dealt with onscreen. Todd was convicted of this rape, it haunted both characters for years. I guess viewer response is mixed as younger and newer viewers are positive and liking the romance, while longtime fans are outraged.
If a shows legacy in the past twenty years is most associated with this social conscious story, which was told so amazing the first time, now wants to go back and destroy it for ratings, what does that tell us about the state of television, and more specifically soaps?
Also, what message is the show sending to viewers, it's ok women, you get brutally raped and taunted about it afterwards, give them fifteen years, they have changed and just didn't know how to express their love then?
Religulous- Ridiculous, Brilliant, or both?
The new documentary by Bill Maher hasn't quite made the impact I was expecting it would, or the controversy I thought it would either. The film came out a few weeks ago and maybe with the Presidential election taking up all the media's time it is being overlooked.
The film defintitley has a point of view, one that it takes no time expressing. Maher's attack on religion is both hilarious and devious. Anyone who knows the comedian/political pundits humor will not be suprised with the verocity in which he attacks not only Christianity (although it is his prime target) but also Judaisism, Islam, and Scientology even gets a mention.
Part of what suprised me about the film is that they even got acsess to go to some of the locales they visited. Sure, Bill was kicked out of the Vatican and only got to stand outside a Mormon church in Utah for about a minute before the camera crew were shut down, but he stil got that far.
When Bill goes to visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, it is what I can only describe as Jesus Land. They have an actor who plays Jesus, who daily performs the last days. Maher's conversation with "Jesus" is lighthearted and comical untill, a PR person finally freaks out her actor is talking to heathen Maher. Funny that Maher and crew were there for so long before a PR person got wind of it.
Now, I'm sure there was some editing being done here, but you can't create soundbites out of nothing. Senator Pryor, of Arkansas, set himself up while after talking about his Christian faith and listening to Maher question how a smart, rationale person can believe in such nonsense and still be Senator, Pryor responds:"Well, you don't have to pass an IQ test to be Senator." Really?
Maher and director Larry Charles are masterminds and interjecting funny clips from old films and for Maher's ability to flow the interview and prod while also seemingly playing along with the interviewee. My favorite example of this is when talking to reformed gay minister, all the while making quips about his attractiveness and subtly flirting while Brokeback Mountain's theme song plays.
Maher is smarmy and arrogant sure, but he is sharp, lets his counterparts make fools of themselves, and keeps us laughing along at them.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Big Bang Theory- Season 2
The Big Bang Theory is a show I took on in the summer while I was bored and only watched a couple episodes of.
This season I have decided to add it to my routine of shows, and I usually hate multi-camera comedies, yet I find myself watching and enjoying the program.
The jokes are witty, albeit usually referencing genius level like humor, but there is a great Ross-Rachel dichotomy in the characters of Penny and Leonard. When sitcoms are a dying breed, rooting and actively wanting to continue watching a sitcom about opposites attracting is rare nowadays.
The addition of Sara Gilbert as recurring character Leslie, is what made me decide this would be a show I focused on in the fall season.
Gilbert is not only an accomplished actress, but she has proven to have amazing chemistry with Galecki.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who Should Host the Oscar's?
After last weeks Emmy debacle, everyone is saying (as I did), that Ricky Gervais was the saving grace of the night. Now, there are reports that he is in talks to host the next Academy Awards. I want to take a look at potential hosts and weigh in on who might be best for the job.
Ricky Gervais
Plusses: He's pretty hilarious, unconventional, and his brand of humor would be a refreshing change from other stale hosts.
Minuses: Sometimes British humor doesn't translate well to middle Americans.
Jon Stewart
Plusses: He is consistently witty and sharp on The Daily Show. He did a good job hosting last year, and this year is going to certainly have political themed jokes given the historical election occurring in November.
Minuses: Not everyone agreed with me on how well Stewart did. Also, Oscar might want to mix it up and not serve up the same host back to back.
Ellen Degeneres
Plusses: Everyone loves her, she panders to the Hollywood crowd so no one would have to worry about controversy, and she would do some fun dancing.
Minuses: Ellen panders to the Hollywood crowd, which can get kind of boring. Audiences like to see them getting made fun of.
Whoopi Goldberg
Plusses: She is now the host of The View, on ABC, which is the same network as the Oscars. And who doesn't love corporate synergy. Plus she's a seasoned vet at this.
Minuses: Whoopi's hosting gigs always get mixed reaction, and since joining The View, she has become a bit boring.
Billy Crystal:
Plusses: Producers ask Billy every year to host the Oscars and he refuses. Some of his hosting years have been among the highest rated ceremonies, so audience seem to respond to him as host
Minuses: Crystal will probably refuse, and maybe the era of him as host has passed.
Kathy Griffin
Plusses: No one can rock the show like my Kathy. People would be talking about something the next day. She is not afraid to offend, or to piss off celebs.
Minuses: Would writers and ABC let her say what she wanted? Would the celeb backlash be too great? Would anyone actually have the balls to give her this gig?
Stephen Colbert
Plusses: Since last year Stewart got the gig, maybe he can pass it along to Colbert. His character hosting a show like this would have many potential gags.
Minuses: I can't really think of any, maybe the Academy should give Colbert the rub.
RIP Paul Newman
Paul Newman died yesterday at the age of 83. He was a film legend, philanthropist, and political activist.
I always loved the relationship that he and Joanne Woodward had, they were a true amazing Hollywood couple.
Newman was such an amazing performer, from The Hustler, to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, to Cool Hand Luke.
He will be missed.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So I was wrong about some of the winners. Specifically the supporting actresses, whatever it's not an art predicting this stuff. Jeff Probst and his dimples beat Seacrest, so all is good. And like I predicted my beloved 30 Rock walked away with all the major awards.
Steve Carrell and Ricky Gervais had the funniest moment of the show with runner up going to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's prune joke.
Otherwise, I'm glad I watched this on my DVR.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Travis Barker and DJ AM Plane Crash
Travis Barker of Blink 182 and DJ AM were involved in a horrendous plane crash today. The other four parties involved in the crash all perished, including the pilot and co pilot, Barker's bodyguard, and assistant/best friend.
Both are in critical condition. Apparantly, when they escaped they were taking their clothes off to try and extinguish the fire. Barker's lower body is said to be badly burned, while DJ AM has burns to the face.
Barker had to be knocked unconscious to get taken to a hospital because he did not want to be airlifted.
Hopefully these two end up okay and without any severe burn damages. Prayers go out to the families of all the victims.
I can't be witty or mean about celebs when tragedy befalls one (or two) of them, so I just hope these two end up okay and hopefully by tomorrow I can be snarky again when the Emmy's start.
Both are in critical condition. Apparantly, when they escaped they were taking their clothes off to try and extinguish the fire. Barker's lower body is said to be badly burned, while DJ AM has burns to the face.
Barker had to be knocked unconscious to get taken to a hospital because he did not want to be airlifted.
Hopefully these two end up okay and without any severe burn damages. Prayers go out to the families of all the victims.
I can't be witty or mean about celebs when tragedy befalls one (or two) of them, so I just hope these two end up okay and hopefully by tomorrow I can be snarky again when the Emmy's start.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Wrestler
From all of the reports I have heard to come out of the Toronto Film Festival, one flick stands above the rest in noteriety and critical acclaim, The Wrestler.
I have been a wrestling fan since I was three years old growing up with my brother, who was obsessed with the avenue. I went to events from the age of ten up until last year.
Every review I read and looked not only acknowledged Mickey Rourke and his ability to go beyond constraints, but to develop a fully realized wrestler. Someone who a regular wrestling fan would see, pity, and long for the glory days within that performer.
Darren Aronofsky created a masterpiece in a genre even he is not completely familiar with, something I think should be applauded. He is a filmmaker who makes films for specific audiences. The Wrestler proves he can take a genre film and turn it into an iconic look at the old school wrestling business.
I have been a wrestling fan since I was three years old growing up with my brother, who was obsessed with the avenue. I went to events from the age of ten up until last year.
Every review I read and looked not only acknowledged Mickey Rourke and his ability to go beyond constraints, but to develop a fully realized wrestler. Someone who a regular wrestling fan would see, pity, and long for the glory days within that performer.
Darren Aronofsky created a masterpiece in a genre even he is not completely familiar with, something I think should be applauded. He is a filmmaker who makes films for specific audiences. The Wrestler proves he can take a genre film and turn it into an iconic look at the old school wrestling business.
Sex and the City Sequel?
So I am Michael Patrick King's bitch. He wrote most of my fave SATC episodes. He was the brains behind the film. Now him and SJP want to make a sequel?
Candice Bushnell is writing her own series of prequels about Carrie in high school, obviously trying to appeal to the the Gossip Girl fiction crowd. Sadly, I'll buy the books to know an interpretation of Carrie's youth.
Except, I'm content. I know how Carrie lost her V-card. (In a rec room junior year after taking a couple hits. Yet she said about her high school sweetheart, aka David Duchovony, that they waited, because she was still innocent in her high school years).
However the prequels go, I don't care that much.
But why another sequel?
I loved the SATC movie! My favorite movie experience of the year, and probably a couple years.
I was always apprehensive because the finale ended perfectly, but the movie just rounded it out.
So, yes the producers may want more revenue, but creatively, where can Sex and the City go?
Candice Bushnell is writing her own series of prequels about Carrie in high school, obviously trying to appeal to the the Gossip Girl fiction crowd. Sadly, I'll buy the books to know an interpretation of Carrie's youth.
Except, I'm content. I know how Carrie lost her V-card. (In a rec room junior year after taking a couple hits. Yet she said about her high school sweetheart, aka David Duchovony, that they waited, because she was still innocent in her high school years).
However the prequels go, I don't care that much.
But why another sequel?
I loved the SATC movie! My favorite movie experience of the year, and probably a couple years.
I was always apprehensive because the finale ended perfectly, but the movie just rounded it out.
So, yes the producers may want more revenue, but creatively, where can Sex and the City go?
And Now For Something Completely Different
Finally a non 90210 related post!
So the Emmy's are this Sunday, it is the 60th Anniversary. Hopefully they will have some of those tv classic filled montages I so love.
Since a young age I was obsessed with award shows. It all started at the 1997 Academy Awards, I was sick and watching coverage all day, and once the show started Billy Crystal singing about the nominees and Cuba Gooding Jr.'s infectious acceptance speech had me hooked. I used to write down the winners of all the major award shows in a little notebook I still have at home, along with my predictions. My uncle later told me this gave him further insight into his theory I'm a straight girl trapped in a gay man's body, since he did this also at that age.
Anyway, as I've gotten older, I don't pay that much attention to the trivial awards like Billboard Music Awards, Teen Choice, and the now defunct Blockbuster Awards. Even though the glory days of the VMA and MTV Movie awards are over, I think I have about ten more years till I retire them.
The big five still remain important. (That's Grammy's, Golden Globes, SAG, Emmy's and the Super Bowl of award shows-Oscars). So this Sunday is the Emmy's and below are my pics. I hope to be wrong about a lot and look stupid on Monday.
Best Drama
Boston Legal
Mad Men
Who Should Win: Mad Men was the most innovative, engrossing, stimulating, and cinematically beautiful show to come around in a long time. Not since The Sopranos has something been so bold and brilliant.
Who Will Win: Mad Men, industry peeps love it, media loves it, actors love it.
Gabriel Byrne, In Treatment
Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Hugh Laurie, House
James Spader, Boston Legal
Who Will Win: Tough category, there may be a Mad Men sweep leading to Hamm winning, however Hall has impressed many actors with his mesmerizing performance. Dark horse is Hugh Laurie who despite a SAG and 2 Globes has yet to win an Emmy.
Who Should Win: All the men are exceptional, I only regurally watch Mad Men, so my bias goes to Hamm. But from my viewing of the first season of Dexter, for which Hall was snubbed last year, he was my pick to win before nominations were even announced so I think he is beyond deserving.
Glenn Close, Damages
Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Holly Hunter, Saving Grace
Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer
Who Will Win: My bet is Glenn Close, she was the favorite two years ago for her stint on The Shield, and many felt she got robbed. She is better (if that's even possible) on Damages.
Who Should Win: Glenn Close. I love Kyra Sedwick and think she is long due for her role as Brenda Johnsone, but I think she should be collecting next year for the season that just finished airing last week, and not for last season.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Who Should Win: 30 Rock. The show has just gotten better with every episode, the writing, acting, production all flow perfectly.
Who Will Win: 30 Rock.
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
Lee Pace, Pushing Daisies
Tony Shalhoub, Monk
Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men
Who Should Win: Anyone but Tony Shalhoub. Now, I like him and he's a fine actor. But he's won enough and he was better on Wings anyway. Seriously, Baldwin deserves this even though I long for Steve Carrell to walk away with it.
Who Will Win: I think with the answering message out of the voters mind, they will reward their Baldwin darling.
Christina Applegate, Samantha Who?
America Ferrera, Ugly Betty
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures of Old Christine
Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds
Who Should Win: Tina Fey, without a doubt. If the show wins again and she doesn't, I will be very pissed. This woman just should get her own stamp, I love her that much, and she's funny.
Who Will Win: It better be Tina Fey, or I'm throwing a hissy, the only acceptable replacement would be Mary-Louise Parker, but still, I need Tina Fey to win.
Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
Kevin Dillon, Entourage
Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
Jeremy Piven, Entourage
Rainn Wilson, The Office
Who Should Win: Neil Patrick Harris. I caught a episode of this during the second season and actually laughed at a sitcom, to my horror. He was the reason I watched old episodes and kept DVR'ing future ones. The man is a comedic genius. And pretty sexy. (Totally irrelevant, but I'm shallow).
Who Will Win: Admittedly, I love all these men. So I'm cool with any, but Emmy's usually go with repeat winners, so Jeremy Piven.
Kristin Chenoweth, "Pushing Daisies"
Amy Poehler, "Saturday Night Live"
Jean Smart, "Samantha Who?"
Holland Taylor, "Two and a Half Men"
Vanessa Williams, "Ugly Betty"
Who Should Win: I love Amy Poehler, but aren't SNL stars supposed to be in the Variety Host category? Anyway, she deserves it.
Who Will Win: Poehler has a good shot, with upset being Vanessa Williams.
Ted Danson, "Damages"
Michael Emerson, "Lost"
Zeljko Ivanek, "Damages"
William Shatner, "Boston Legal"
John Slattery, "Mad Men"
Who Should Win: Michael Emerson has frightened and disturbed and intrigued me for three seasons now on Lost, and I can't think of anyone else more deserving for this.
Who Will Win: Ted Danson. I know it took them like nine years to give him one for Cheers, but Danson showing his acting chops as a corrupt businessman will be enough to win.
Candice Bergen, "Boston Legal"
Rachel Griffiths, "Brothers and Sisters"
Sandra Oh, "Grey's Anatomy"
Dianne Wiest, "In Treatment"
Chandra Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
Who Will Win: Chandra Wilson.
Who Should Win: Chandra Wilson. The woman should have won last year, and is always the saving grace of every contrived, soapy, trite Grey's episode.
"The Amazing Race," CBS
"American Idol," FOX
"Dancing With The Stars," ABC
"Project Runway," Bravo
"Top Chef," Bravo
Who Should Win: Project Runway really hit its stride last season, with Top Chef as my second.
Who Will Win: Amazing Race for what, the fourth time? As long as it's not Idol, it's cool.
Tom Bergeron, 'Dancing With The Stars'
Heidi Klum, 'Project Runway'
Howie Mandel, 'Deal Or No Deal'
Jeff Probst, 'Survivor'
Ryan Seacrest, 'American Idol'
Who Should win: Who cares? Okay, um...Jeff Probst. He's been doing this for about eight years, isn't a famewhore and seems to not take himself too seriously.
Who Will Win: Anyone but Seacrest, please.
So the Emmy's are this Sunday, it is the 60th Anniversary. Hopefully they will have some of those tv classic filled montages I so love.
Since a young age I was obsessed with award shows. It all started at the 1997 Academy Awards, I was sick and watching coverage all day, and once the show started Billy Crystal singing about the nominees and Cuba Gooding Jr.'s infectious acceptance speech had me hooked. I used to write down the winners of all the major award shows in a little notebook I still have at home, along with my predictions. My uncle later told me this gave him further insight into his theory I'm a straight girl trapped in a gay man's body, since he did this also at that age.
Anyway, as I've gotten older, I don't pay that much attention to the trivial awards like Billboard Music Awards, Teen Choice, and the now defunct Blockbuster Awards. Even though the glory days of the VMA and MTV Movie awards are over, I think I have about ten more years till I retire them.
The big five still remain important. (That's Grammy's, Golden Globes, SAG, Emmy's and the Super Bowl of award shows-Oscars). So this Sunday is the Emmy's and below are my pics. I hope to be wrong about a lot and look stupid on Monday.
Best Drama
Boston Legal
Mad Men
Who Should Win: Mad Men was the most innovative, engrossing, stimulating, and cinematically beautiful show to come around in a long time. Not since The Sopranos has something been so bold and brilliant.
Who Will Win: Mad Men, industry peeps love it, media loves it, actors love it.
Gabriel Byrne, In Treatment
Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Hugh Laurie, House
James Spader, Boston Legal
Who Will Win: Tough category, there may be a Mad Men sweep leading to Hamm winning, however Hall has impressed many actors with his mesmerizing performance. Dark horse is Hugh Laurie who despite a SAG and 2 Globes has yet to win an Emmy.
Who Should Win: All the men are exceptional, I only regurally watch Mad Men, so my bias goes to Hamm. But from my viewing of the first season of Dexter, for which Hall was snubbed last year, he was my pick to win before nominations were even announced so I think he is beyond deserving.
Glenn Close, Damages
Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Holly Hunter, Saving Grace
Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer
Who Will Win: My bet is Glenn Close, she was the favorite two years ago for her stint on The Shield, and many felt she got robbed. She is better (if that's even possible) on Damages.
Who Should Win: Glenn Close. I love Kyra Sedwick and think she is long due for her role as Brenda Johnsone, but I think she should be collecting next year for the season that just finished airing last week, and not for last season.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Office
30 Rock
Two and a Half Men
Who Should Win: 30 Rock. The show has just gotten better with every episode, the writing, acting, production all flow perfectly.
Who Will Win: 30 Rock.
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Steve Carell, The Office
Lee Pace, Pushing Daisies
Tony Shalhoub, Monk
Charlie Sheen, Two and a Half Men
Who Should Win: Anyone but Tony Shalhoub. Now, I like him and he's a fine actor. But he's won enough and he was better on Wings anyway. Seriously, Baldwin deserves this even though I long for Steve Carrell to walk away with it.
Who Will Win: I think with the answering message out of the voters mind, they will reward their Baldwin darling.
Christina Applegate, Samantha Who?
America Ferrera, Ugly Betty
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures of Old Christine
Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds
Who Should Win: Tina Fey, without a doubt. If the show wins again and she doesn't, I will be very pissed. This woman just should get her own stamp, I love her that much, and she's funny.
Who Will Win: It better be Tina Fey, or I'm throwing a hissy, the only acceptable replacement would be Mary-Louise Parker, but still, I need Tina Fey to win.
Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
Kevin Dillon, Entourage
Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother
Jeremy Piven, Entourage
Rainn Wilson, The Office
Who Should Win: Neil Patrick Harris. I caught a episode of this during the second season and actually laughed at a sitcom, to my horror. He was the reason I watched old episodes and kept DVR'ing future ones. The man is a comedic genius. And pretty sexy. (Totally irrelevant, but I'm shallow).
Who Will Win: Admittedly, I love all these men. So I'm cool with any, but Emmy's usually go with repeat winners, so Jeremy Piven.
Kristin Chenoweth, "Pushing Daisies"
Amy Poehler, "Saturday Night Live"
Jean Smart, "Samantha Who?"
Holland Taylor, "Two and a Half Men"
Vanessa Williams, "Ugly Betty"
Who Should Win: I love Amy Poehler, but aren't SNL stars supposed to be in the Variety Host category? Anyway, she deserves it.
Who Will Win: Poehler has a good shot, with upset being Vanessa Williams.
Ted Danson, "Damages"
Michael Emerson, "Lost"
Zeljko Ivanek, "Damages"
William Shatner, "Boston Legal"
John Slattery, "Mad Men"
Who Should Win: Michael Emerson has frightened and disturbed and intrigued me for three seasons now on Lost, and I can't think of anyone else more deserving for this.
Who Will Win: Ted Danson. I know it took them like nine years to give him one for Cheers, but Danson showing his acting chops as a corrupt businessman will be enough to win.
Candice Bergen, "Boston Legal"
Rachel Griffiths, "Brothers and Sisters"
Sandra Oh, "Grey's Anatomy"
Dianne Wiest, "In Treatment"
Chandra Wilson, "Grey's Anatomy"
Who Will Win: Chandra Wilson.
Who Should Win: Chandra Wilson. The woman should have won last year, and is always the saving grace of every contrived, soapy, trite Grey's episode.
"The Amazing Race," CBS
"American Idol," FOX
"Dancing With The Stars," ABC
"Project Runway," Bravo
"Top Chef," Bravo
Who Should Win: Project Runway really hit its stride last season, with Top Chef as my second.
Who Will Win: Amazing Race for what, the fourth time? As long as it's not Idol, it's cool.
Tom Bergeron, 'Dancing With The Stars'
Heidi Klum, 'Project Runway'
Howie Mandel, 'Deal Or No Deal'
Jeff Probst, 'Survivor'
Ryan Seacrest, 'American Idol'
Who Should win: Who cares? Okay, um...Jeff Probst. He's been doing this for about eight years, isn't a famewhore and seems to not take himself too seriously.
Who Will Win: Anyone but Seacrest, please.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Strange Timing
The Skinny on Skinny Girls in TV
So, my last blog was about 90210. The show is slowly dying off my dvr list. The revelation that Dylan is Kelly's baby's daddy has sent me over the edge. Even my precious Brenda can't save it for me, and when she goes so will I.
But back to the topic at hand, skinny girls on TV. Watching 90210, I was shocked at how tiny these girls looked. Jessica Stroup, who plays Silver, was in last year's Prom Night, looking a lot more healthy and still pretty tiny. What happened to this chick in the course of a year that made her look like she was malnourished.
These girls are the leads on a show about teenagers, where the target audience is teenagers. Obviously we aren't sending a good message, when their weights will never be adressed. If the actresses are ever asked, of course no one is going to give the response of "Well, I wanted more acting roles so I started to starve myself or become a cokehead." Of course, I'm jumping to conclusions, but my disillusion with young Hollywood has grown over the years after countless examples who followed the above behavior.
When did this trend for the super skinny start in TV?
The original 90210 had Shannen Doherty looking a little bigger in the first season, but she was 19 at the time, and she thinned out in later seasons but never to a waif. I remember watching the show, and Tori Spelling was the super skinny one, and rewatching old episodes, she looks positively average and toned compared to all these near anorexics. Kelly Taylor, the supposed beauty at West Beverly, had a skinny figure, but her thighs and legs would probably be considered fat from the media by todays standards.
I remember early seasons of Buffy, it was actually believable that she could kick butt, and as every season progressed, Sarah Michelle Gellar lost more and more weight, I'm assuming succumbing to Hollywood's pressure on weight.
What happened in the late 90's that kicked this trend off? Was it Kate Moss and the heroin chic phase? Ally McBeal? Even now that anorexia and bulimia are widely discussed and not taboo issues, it still seems okay for Hollywood to project 90 lb girls as the ideal to show us in television and film.
Society reinforcing this beauty ideal, and girls striving to look like that only perpetuates this idea, making it seem like a cycle bound to stay in the industry.
I promise, next blog, I won't mention 90210, and I will try not to mention the awesomeness that is Brenda Walsh, for atleast awhile.
But back to the topic at hand, skinny girls on TV. Watching 90210, I was shocked at how tiny these girls looked. Jessica Stroup, who plays Silver, was in last year's Prom Night, looking a lot more healthy and still pretty tiny. What happened to this chick in the course of a year that made her look like she was malnourished.
These girls are the leads on a show about teenagers, where the target audience is teenagers. Obviously we aren't sending a good message, when their weights will never be adressed. If the actresses are ever asked, of course no one is going to give the response of "Well, I wanted more acting roles so I started to starve myself or become a cokehead." Of course, I'm jumping to conclusions, but my disillusion with young Hollywood has grown over the years after countless examples who followed the above behavior.
When did this trend for the super skinny start in TV?
The original 90210 had Shannen Doherty looking a little bigger in the first season, but she was 19 at the time, and she thinned out in later seasons but never to a waif. I remember watching the show, and Tori Spelling was the super skinny one, and rewatching old episodes, she looks positively average and toned compared to all these near anorexics. Kelly Taylor, the supposed beauty at West Beverly, had a skinny figure, but her thighs and legs would probably be considered fat from the media by todays standards.
I remember early seasons of Buffy, it was actually believable that she could kick butt, and as every season progressed, Sarah Michelle Gellar lost more and more weight, I'm assuming succumbing to Hollywood's pressure on weight.
What happened in the late 90's that kicked this trend off? Was it Kate Moss and the heroin chic phase? Ally McBeal? Even now that anorexia and bulimia are widely discussed and not taboo issues, it still seems okay for Hollywood to project 90 lb girls as the ideal to show us in television and film.
Society reinforcing this beauty ideal, and girls striving to look like that only perpetuates this idea, making it seem like a cycle bound to stay in the industry.
I promise, next blog, I won't mention 90210, and I will try not to mention the awesomeness that is Brenda Walsh, for atleast awhile.
Friday, September 5, 2008
New 90210
Well, the spinoff of 90210 aired Tuesday and received almost 5 million in the ratings. I'm hoping that like with all pilots they did some tweaking afterwords. Except, I think the show was greenlit before the pilot was even produced and then they just went straight into production, so that gives me less hope.
As an avid and admitedly rabid original 90210 fan, my inital reaction to news of the spinoff was lukewarm. When I heard they got Jennie Garth to be a cast member to play Kelly, I was slightly intrigued. Making her a guidance counselor seems more plausible than where the series left off in her starting her own PR firm with no contacts or clients, but the less said about the last few seasons of 90210 the better.
The media, including bloggers like Perez Hilton and Michael K from Dlisted, were clammoring for a return of Shannen Doherty. The buzz about people wanting Shannen back made me positevly giddy, and weary since the chances were nil. Somehow the universes collided and people persuased ShannDo, because I remember letting out a huge squeal at the announcement of the return of Brenda Walsh.
Brenda fucking Walsh, she is an icon in pop culture, in the media because of Shannen's exploits (which I could care less about, she was my age when all that happened and I don't think I could have handled the media and partying well, hell it's hard for me to make class after a night out). She was the bestest character in the 90210 universe, she rocked.
I loved her attitude, her flair for the dramatics, her lonliness in seasons 3 and 4, the way she could verbally bitch slap Kelly. It always bothered me that Brenda would be called by the press in later years the bad girl, because she was never bad. Val was bad, Gina tried to be bad. Brenda was just Brenda. Now Shannen could bring the bitch though, and her looks, and "you know what's" were classic.
It really is no suprise that the show went downhill once Shannen left. I did like seasons 5-7 for the most part, but they weren't the same and once you cut out someone so important to the dynamic it will lose something. Shannen was also the best actress of the bunch, with the best chemistry with a costar. Dylan and Brenda were by far the most popular 90210 couple, the one that fans still talk about.
Onto the new 90210, Brenda rocks, I'm glad her and Kelly are still friends, I liked the Brandon mention. I wish the whole show was Brenda and Kelly, then it would still be on my DVR. I hate the new Pit, it sucks. Jessica Walters was amazing as usual even though she does seem to be playing a Lucille type character. The parents were boring, I wanted Kelly to try and get with the dad instead of being with boring Aunt Becky or bug eyed woman. That little boy of Kelly's should be Steve's, it looks like him and his mom was named Samantha.
The kids: Annie is annoying, they have to tone her down a little bit, she's too good, too blah and irritating. I wanted to like her, and I didn't. I'm thinking they be reversing the roles this season where Annie will be the Brandon, favored child who is a self righteous douche bag and never gets called out on anything while Dixon can play the trouble making, impressionable one.
I love Silver. Love the connection to Kelly, the backstory on Mel and Jackie's upteenth breakup, her sorid past with Naomi, she works. By the way, I like Naomi a lot. The actress looks about five years older than me and we're the same age, but I like the rich bitch with layers. It worked for Kelly Taylor, untill she became a backstabbing beyotch.
As an avid and admitedly rabid original 90210 fan, my inital reaction to news of the spinoff was lukewarm. When I heard they got Jennie Garth to be a cast member to play Kelly, I was slightly intrigued. Making her a guidance counselor seems more plausible than where the series left off in her starting her own PR firm with no contacts or clients, but the less said about the last few seasons of 90210 the better.
The media, including bloggers like Perez Hilton and Michael K from Dlisted, were clammoring for a return of Shannen Doherty. The buzz about people wanting Shannen back made me positevly giddy, and weary since the chances were nil. Somehow the universes collided and people persuased ShannDo, because I remember letting out a huge squeal at the announcement of the return of Brenda Walsh.
Brenda fucking Walsh, she is an icon in pop culture, in the media because of Shannen's exploits (which I could care less about, she was my age when all that happened and I don't think I could have handled the media and partying well, hell it's hard for me to make class after a night out). She was the bestest character in the 90210 universe, she rocked.
I loved her attitude, her flair for the dramatics, her lonliness in seasons 3 and 4, the way she could verbally bitch slap Kelly. It always bothered me that Brenda would be called by the press in later years the bad girl, because she was never bad. Val was bad, Gina tried to be bad. Brenda was just Brenda. Now Shannen could bring the bitch though, and her looks, and "you know what's" were classic.
It really is no suprise that the show went downhill once Shannen left. I did like seasons 5-7 for the most part, but they weren't the same and once you cut out someone so important to the dynamic it will lose something. Shannen was also the best actress of the bunch, with the best chemistry with a costar. Dylan and Brenda were by far the most popular 90210 couple, the one that fans still talk about.
Onto the new 90210, Brenda rocks, I'm glad her and Kelly are still friends, I liked the Brandon mention. I wish the whole show was Brenda and Kelly, then it would still be on my DVR. I hate the new Pit, it sucks. Jessica Walters was amazing as usual even though she does seem to be playing a Lucille type character. The parents were boring, I wanted Kelly to try and get with the dad instead of being with boring Aunt Becky or bug eyed woman. That little boy of Kelly's should be Steve's, it looks like him and his mom was named Samantha.
The kids: Annie is annoying, they have to tone her down a little bit, she's too good, too blah and irritating. I wanted to like her, and I didn't. I'm thinking they be reversing the roles this season where Annie will be the Brandon, favored child who is a self righteous douche bag and never gets called out on anything while Dixon can play the trouble making, impressionable one.
I love Silver. Love the connection to Kelly, the backstory on Mel and Jackie's upteenth breakup, her sorid past with Naomi, she works. By the way, I like Naomi a lot. The actress looks about five years older than me and we're the same age, but I like the rich bitch with layers. It worked for Kelly Taylor, untill she became a backstabbing beyotch.
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