Friday, December 5, 2008

Spoiler Alert

So my Grey's Anatomy love might be coming back a little. I hate that this show brings me such ire and yo-yo of emotions.

Anyways, I found out what's wrong with Izzie. Don't continue reading if you don't want to know.

So Michael Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly, spoiled that Denny is a series of aneurysms, ones that apparently give her euphoric sexual feelings

Now my problem with this is: Do aneurysms occur like 24/7? I mean can't just one kill you? Because Izzie is now seeing Denny all the time.

Last night's episode, I admit, was good. I really liked that Cristina could make the decision, and all the canidates got to plead their case. I also loved that Cristina picked Alex, he didn't play on her emotions, because well they don't like each other that much. He was factual and said how he was going to do the procedure. So Cristina took emotions out of her decision and picked the person who gave the best spiel.

And I can't even describe how much I loved Alex this week! He is so adorable and sweet, and he loves Izzie so much. I thought his I love you was amazing, and all that a girl could ask for. Stupid Denny for his side comments- She's his girlfriend, not you tumor boy!

I liked that they focused a little on Alex and Meredith's friendship, I love their kindred spirits bond of being from bad childhoods. And when Izzie showed up, I did have a little hope for her.

I do hope that this rift between Cristina and Meredith ends soon, even though Cristina was right not to pick her. I'm also loving Cristina and Army doc, so hot!

Little Grey and McSteamy is a tricky one. She looks so young and it's a strange pairing. I was liking her with George, and their quirkiness together. McSteamy does need a nice girl to even him out, so maybe it could work. I did love how he tried his best to resist her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank You for the spoiler!! This whole Izzie/Denny thing has been seriously freaking me out and making me reconsider my affection for Grey's. You just saved that.